Own Certifications
Certifications - ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 27001, EC certificate
At SINOVO, we took care of our own certifications, i.e. ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 for the certification of our quality management systems, at an early stage and applied for an EC certificate, which is necessary for placing medical devices on the market. In addition, our information security management system (ISMS) is certified in accordance with ISO 27001. ISO 27001 is the leading international standard for ISMS and therefore the most important cyber security certification.
Our own certifications are particularly important to us for our customers so that we can guarantee you consistently high quality.
But proven quality is not good enough for our customers. We therefore use our QM system to continuously improve and develop our processes and product quality.
All our business and development processes are subject to constant quality control and are documented in detail. Derived measures are implemented, and the system is practised throughout the company daily.
ISO 13485 certification of our QM system as a medical device manufacturer
As a medical device manufacturer, we have had ISO 13485 certification of our QM system for many years. This has allowed our QM team to build up experience and expertise in this area.
ISO 13485:2016 defines the requirements for the quality management system of companies that must demonstrate their ability to provide medical devices and related services that consistently fulfil customer requirements and applicable regulatory requirements.
Companies that place medical devices on the market as manufacturers are legally obliged to set up (initial certification) and maintain (surveillance audit) a quality management system for the manufacture of their products, such as medical software.
Play it safe and let our QM team advise and support you on ISO 13485 so that you too can achieve the required ISO 13485 certification for your QM system.
Our EC certificate for a complete quality management system in accordance with the Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 authorises us to place medical devices on the market.
Thanks to our many years of experience and industry-specific expertise in the field of medical software, we cover medical software in risk classes I, II a and II b and all conformity assessment procedures to be applied depending on the risk class in accordance with the Medical Device Directive.
A complete quality management system, in our case in accordance with ISO 13485, means that we fulfil the additional requirements of the directive for market surveillance, reporting, document retention, etc., and that our medical software conforms to the directive. Our EC certificate also confirms that we have a quality management system for our production, testing and final inspection, which also covers the final inspection of our products.
Conformity with the Medical Device Directive is a mandatory requirement for the CE labelling of our medical software for access to the European single market.
With the CE marking, we as the manufacturer express that our medical software fulfils the essential requirements of a European directive, e.g. the Medical Device Regulation EU 2017/745. Medical software may not be placed on the market in the European Union without CE labelling.
CE labelling is therefore not a purely formal act, but a mandatory step in a higher-level process, the conformity assessment procedure.
As a Microsoft partner in the cloud sector, SINOVO specialises in providing modern digital workplaces and IT infrastructures based on the latest Microsoft technology.
Thanks to our day-to-day work and many years of experience with Microsoft technologies, SINOVO's customers can be confident that their IT projects will be implemented successfully and to the highest quality standards.
But proven quality is not good enough for our customers. At SINOVO, we use our quality management system to continuously improve and develop our processes and product and service quality. Each of our employees has a high level of quality awareness and sees their customers as the recipients of their personal performance. All SINOVO staff receive regular training to ensure that the high-quality expectations of our customers are met.
All software implementation processes, from task clarification to maintenance of the implemented system and support services, are subject to constant quality control and are documented in detail. Derived measures are evaluated and implemented. The ‘plan, implement, check, act’ process specified by the standard is practised throughout the company every day.